Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Book Review and Signing Accompanied by Poem Readings, Sunday April 6, 2014 3.00 PM, Messob Res Los Angeles

Dr. Wubeshet Asefa
Book Review and Signing
Accompanied by Poem Readings, 
Sunday April 6, 2014   3 .00 PM,
Messob, Los Angeles CA

                                     Bad News: AEUP-Andinet Failed to Unite
AEUP and Andinet that disunited after the disastrous political failure in 2005 again botched to reunite after nerve-wracking, overt and covert negotiations that took place in the past many months.   In a press release issued last week, Andinet blamed AEUP for goofing the already accomplished unification. We all agreed to merge and operate as a single party on Sunday and scheduled to announce the agreement officially on the coming Thursday when we got the horrible news of the changing in minds of the AEUP leaders on Monday, the morrow we separated cheering up the well done job we did!” ….” We have nothing more to do except revealing the unfortunate news to the public;” said an Andinet official who talked to us by phone. The gentleman was in the negotiating team and preferred to remain anonymous because the whole thing was shameful and agonizing.     
Book Review and Signing
A new book entitled “Ethiopian: Sports, Games & Entertainments,” by Dr.Webshet Asefa, has been in the market since the past few months. A review and signing event is now scheduled to be held on April 6, 2014 in Los Angeles, the author announced. The event will take place at the renowned Ethiopian Restaurant, Messob. Dr. Asefa, a former College Professor, has lived in the U.S.A. in the past several years. Dewol has scheduled a session for an interview and will come up with the professor before the event. Dr. Asefa other than being a boy in the same hood was also a schoolmate to the blogger of our informative portal “Dewol.”

Abu Ghaith, Bin Laden’s Son- in- law convicted

            One of the notorious criminals who helped the disruptive 9/11 to happen has been convicted yesterday at a New York Court. Other than agitating Muslims to stand together against the U.S.A. the defamed felon had had a personal meeting with Osama Bin Laden just a few days before 9/11, according to the report. It is awonder that the U.S. limitless democracy allowed; the lethal fanatic defend himself in a court of justice where he declared “not guilty.” "He was more than just Osama bin Laden's propaganda minister," Bharara said. "Within hours after the devastating 9/11 attacks, Abu Ghaith was using his position in al-Qaida's homicidal hierarchy to persuade others to pledge themselves to al-Qaida in the cause of murdering more Americans," reported Yahoo News.

Sports Games & Entertainment

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