Saturday, March 22, 2014

Amha Wubetu Passed Away

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The dedicated pro-unity activist, Amha Wubetu passed away; reported. He was 74. According to a biography profile posted in, Ato Amha was born in Gondar, Ethiopia, in 1940. He completed elementary and secondary education there in Gondar, soon to come to Addis Ababa where he graduated as a Telecommunication Technician. He had served the Ethiopian Telecommunication Board for several years before he migrated to New York, U.S.A. In 1971, Ato Amha joined the Queens College where he graduated with a BSc degree. Continuing his education, Ato Amha had obtained two Master of Arts degrees in political Science and International Relations as well as in 

International Law and International Relations from the New York University and the New School of Social Research Institute in New York, respectively.

Utilizing his strenuous education as instruments for struggle, Ato Amha dedicated a large part of his life for the betterment of the lives of the mass of the people at home. His dedication for the betterment of Ethiopian life through good governance democracy and respect of human rights was demonstrated through various organizations he actively participated. His engagement against secessionists and ethnic-centered EPLF-TPLF anti-Ethiopia forces was highly reflected in his activities as a pioneering member of the New York Chapter of the Support Group for All Amhara People’s Organization and later in the Support Group of the “All Ethiopian Unity Party.”  As a member of the executive committee of the Support Group for Kinijit in North America, Ato Amha played an outstanding role that brought him respect among his compatriots. In all his activities, Amha enrolled his beloved wife, Woizero Zenebeworq, who never was away from his side in all assemblies he attended all over the United States.

The blogger of “Dewol,” Zenebe Tamirat, has always been an admirer of the dedicated couples who never missed a single meeting held in North America and deeply grief the loss of Ato Amha.  It is also a misfortune; that Woizero Zenebeworq lost a life-long partner who obliged her both as a husband and a compatriot; however, the loss is not restricted to her alone but also to all of us who struggled with them, as well as to the struggle for democracy in Ethiopia.

On behalf of its blogger, and all of the compatriots who were not able to express their condolences attending his funeral and or the celebration dedicated to him in the Teleconference conducted a few weeks ago, the informative portal “Dewol” expresses its deep sorrow and assure Woizero Zenebeworq that she will never be alone as all of us will carry the motto of her beloved husband to free Ethiopia from ethnic-centered vandalism. May “God rest his soul in peace.


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