By Temezeze Seifu
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Young elephant survives attack by 14 Lions
Fight it out: Life is challenging and full of danger. You could be attacked by a number of enemies surrounding you or an enemy of great might may challenge you. Do the best of your smart move as this young animal is trying to do. He started smart but I do not know why he is going forth and back. My guess is that he cannot go much deeper in the water because he may sink. Am I right?
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Ethiopian Diplomat in Washington DC Shoots to kill
By Dewol Reporter
An Ethiopian official diplomat, Solomon Wodi Woini aimed at
demonstrators and shot repeatedly to kill indiscriminately. The incident took
place outside of the Embassy premises where the demonstrators were chanting
slogans peacefully.
The demonstrators persistently continued to shout peaceful
slogans demanding freedom without being scared of the shooting. They looked
determined to die with the Ethiopian flag in their hands. They were peaceful
and non-violent, simply trying to deliver their complaint letter to the
Ethiopian Ambassador Girma Biru, who himself latter after the shooting came out
to pull Solomon inside the compound of the Embassy. Sources say; the Ambassador
is video recorded while trying to hide the shooting guy, Solomon Wodi Woini. No
one was hurt by the shooting, it was learned.
The CNN got the news yesterday in the “Situation Room”
program but declined to tell the story in detail for an unknown reason. Only
recently, President Obama appreciated Ethiopia’s endeavor for economic progress
but latter added a kind of “aide-mémoire” to its failure in democratic rules.
His comments were wrapped with diplomatic words with care not to disgrace the
Ethiopian delegation led by Prime Minister Haile Mariam Desalege and in the
meantime crafted to show his sympathy with the opposition.
The president seems to show that he had worries about
Ethiopia’s continuous violation of human rights that usually rich its maximum
height during election months. The Ethiopian diplomat at the Embassy however
did not care to hide facts. He out rightly demonstrated that The TPLF kills fellow
citizens wherever it opts necessary; even in the land of the brave. No American
law is braver than the Woyanie, Solomon seems to think.
ESAT news that aired the news supported with captioned video
film said that Solomon Wodi Woini, the perpetrator of the shooting was later arrested,
and a road that leads to the Embassy temporarily closed. Many Ethiopians in the Diaspora were
infuriated with the news and vow to fight the perpetrator of the crime in a
court of law. Attempt to kill is a serious offense in the US criminal law;
lawyers say.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Angry Ethiopians in Los Angeles Vow to Fight Injustice at Home
By Dewol Reporter
The demonstration took place in front of the renowned
Intercontinental Hotel, Avenue of the Stars Boulevard, Los Angeles California
where the President accommodates during his visit here. Highly disciplined Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers who recognize the good mannered Ethiopians tranquilly observed the crowd but surely ready to interfere in case of
confrontation which had happened for a brief period when one of the TPLF thugs
snatched a demonstrator’s cellphone and tried to sneak into the hotel. The
crowed angrily fall on the thug ready to cut him into pieces but soon
intercepted by the LAPD.
It is recalled that only some weeks ago the Government had
hijacked Andargachew Tsige, a vocal activist and Secretary General of the
opposition party Ginbot 7. Ginbot
7 practices an all-inclusive struggle for justice and democracy in Ethiopia
that includes arm struggle. The Ethiopian Government Terrorism law consider arm
struggle as “Terrorism but has no limit for the act of terrorism. Ethiopian Officials also interpret Journalism as
“Terrorism.” Many Journalists including winner of multiple international awards
for humanitarian journalism works, Iskinder Nega has been convicted of terrorism
and sentenced to nearly twenty years. He is now languishing in the notoriously nasty
jail of Addis Ababa.
A crowd of Ethiopian demonstrators gathered
to oppose the visit of President Teshome Wagaw of Ethiopia here in Los Angeles,
angrily vowed to fight the injustice being committed by the Tigray Liberation
Front led Government of Ethiopia, saying it is intimidating, imprisoning, and
killing political opponents in pretext of terrorism. They say the Ethiopian
Government itself is a “State Terrorist.”

Andargachew Tsigie, in an interview with a BBC reporter, Haile Mariam Desalegn,
Prime Minister (without rights because he has no decision making rights) of
Ethiopia had declared his victim was a wanted criminal sentenced to death in
absentia. “He will face the consequence” he said affirming that Andargachew
will be killed soon regardless of his British citizenship.
The crowd in the demonstration shouted that Haile Mariam was impotent
of power and hence a “Condom” for the power infatuated TPLF thugs behind the
screen. They also appealed to the International Community not to fund “terrorism”
at home. The crowd said the money donated to Ethiopia for the purpose of
assisting the poor is being used for suppression, intimidation and killings of
the poor itself. Hence, the Ethiopian Government has to be annihilated and
condemned according to the shouting crowd that was vigorous and desperately
The international community, particularly China and the United
States are not interested in human rights in Ethiopia but in the advantage the
tyrant government provides their nations. They just turn deaf ear to the appeal
of suppressed Ethiopians as long as their tyrant partner in Ethiopia executes
their orders. Only a couple of weeks ago Secretary of State John Kerry had
visited Ethiopia most likely to order Ethiopia contribute security forces to
South Sudan. Immediately after his departure, the Chinese Premier had to
replace him in Addis Ababa offering the TPLF thugs hundreds of millions of
dollars a large part of which is normally used to suppress human rights in the
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Triumphant News: Alas! We are Now Better
This week celebratory news has come from Addis Ababa for the delight of supporters of the Opposition Parties in the Diaspora.The nerve-wracking negotiation to merge the two major political parties of Ethiopia, the All Ethiopia Unity Party (AEUP) and the Unity for Justice and Freedom (Andinet) has at last been accomplished.
This was a stride of a mile in the solidarity and forte of
the opposition camp of the Ethiopian Political Parties. It is a triumph over
separatists and suppressors who happened to rule Ethiopia by the muzzle of the
gun for the last two and have decades, solely because the unity accomplished today
was missed among the oppositions in the doom days in which Ethiopia was affronted
in the eyes of the rest of the world.
The move instigates the hope and aspiration for Unity Forces
to lift up Ethiopia to its past celebrated position in the world arena and make
it home to all as she is the home of all mankind. It is a replenishment of the “Kinijit
of the 2005 that engulfed the revolution with burning fire that flamed from
the deep heart of those who struggle for justice and democracy to prevail in
Ethiopia. It is the beginning of a new era in which the fatal process through
which we passed and the sour experiences that have been practiced would be a
lesson to all. From now on there will be no fight in the house of the
opposition. The struggle is on the baseball field of the TPLF and with our
unified might and the great support of the people of Ethiopia, Woyanie will finally
surrender to peace and democracy in our country. Dictatorship has no root to
leave forever.
Dewol Congratulate the brave sons and daughters of Ethiopia
who continuously struggled to achieve this remarkable goal of unity and takes
this opportunity to renew its commitment for the ultimate success of the prevalence
of justice and democracy to make Ethiopia a home to all. Dewol also calls our
Oromo brethren to join the new era of the struggle for the definitive victory.
Long Live the Unity of the Opposition Parties!
By the Sacrifice of its Brave Children, Ethiopia shall Live
Forever, Proud of its Freedom, Unity and its Territorial Integrity!
Zenebe G. Tamirat,
Political Strategist & Managing Editor, “Dewol”
Follow @ZenebeTamirat, Twitt@Neguodguadeneb
Monday, May 26, 2014
Press releases
23 May 2014
Well update - Ethiopia
Tullow Oil plc (Tullow) announces that the Shimela-1 well encountered water bearing reservoirs.
Shimela-1 in the South Omo Block, onshore Ethiopia, was drilled to test a prospect in a north-western sub-basin of the vast Chew Bahir basin. The frontier wildcat well encountered lacustrine and volcanic rocks including almost 100 metres of net sandstone reservoir within siltstones and claystones. Trace thermogenic gas shows were recorded at 1,900 metres.
The Exalo 205 rig drilled Shimela-1 to a final depth of 1,940 metres. The rig will now be moved to drill the Gardim-1 wildcat exploration well in a completely separate sub-basin, in the south-eastern corner of the Chew Bahir basin.
Tullow Operates the South Omo Block with 50% equity and is partnered by Africa Oil Corporation (30%) and Marathon Oil Ethiopia Limited B.V. (20%), a wholly owned subsidiary of Marathon Oil Corporation (NYSE: MRO).
Angus McCoss, Exploration Director, Tullow Oil plc, commented today:
“Although the Shimela well only found traces of thermogenic gas, it has provided key data to continue to build our understanding of the north-western part of the Chew Bahir basin. The prospectivity at the Gardim-1 well, which is targeting an independent petroleum system in a separate south-eastern sub-basin, is not affected by this result.
For further information contact:
Tullow Oil plc
(+44 20 3249 9000)
(+44 20 3249 9000)
Chris Perry
Investor Relations
James Arnold
Investor Relations
George Cazenove
Media Relations
Citigate Dewe Rogerson
(+44 20 7638 9571)
(+44 20 7638 9571)
Martin Jackson
Shabnam Bashir
Murray Consultants
(+353 1 498 0300)
(+353 1 498 0300)
Pat Walsh
Joe Heron
- Exploration & Appraisal
- Ethiopia
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Graduating Student Troubled by TPLF Modified Ethiopian Flag.
Graduating Student Troubled
by TPLF Modified Ethiopian Flag.
At its 2014 Commencement,
California Lutheran University depicts on its website,,
an Ethiopian girl with her national flag wrapped around her neck and glittering
over her black gown, contradicting the Woyanie made flag she was compelled to
carry at the 2013 Commencement Parade. The young lady
was troubled with the blundered Woyanie flag, but was wise and tricky that she
decided to show the real Ethiopian flag in contrast to the one that the Woyanie
thugs made flag in her hands. Paradoxically, the picture taken on 2013 is depicted again in 2014 on the university's website.
The incident was sudden that she had no
idea of graduating students carry their national flags at commencement parades,
by culture of the university. She was confused at first. But then she said “I had
no choice but to wear my original flag as a scarf. As a kid, she remembered to have presented Professor
Asrat Woldeyes with bouquets of flowers in many occasions of Town hall meetings
in Addis Ababa. The young lady says "she is very much fond of the Ethiopian flag." She is now going
forward with her study to attain a doctorate degree in Pharmaceutical Information
The young lady hopes to parade in a commencement once again; this time with a PhD and an original Ethiopian flag. Make your children, so proud to live as Ethiopians and,
so proud to wear the Ethiopian flag again and again on commencements and all other parades.
Click on the link to see the picture. Here:
Friday, May 9, 2014
Memorial Page Created for Prof. Asrat Woldyes, Dr. wubshet's Book signing Event Today

This page is dedicated to the most cherished political leader Prof. Asrat Woldyes, in memory of his commitment to his fellow country- men and women, his courage and determination as president of the All Amhara People’s Organization, the astounding honesty in leadership he demonstrated to the people of Ethiopia, his kindness and sympathy to all Ethiopians regardless of ethnic, religion and other belongingness as a medical doctor, and to the love he demonstrated to his country. The dedicator of this page Zenebe Tamirat witnesses the above characteristics of the professor from his political experience under his leadership and the knowledge he gained working very close with him as a high ranking officer of the Addis Ababa Region of the All Amhara People’s Organization as well as amember of the CC after the arrest of the professor.
Over 640 liked Prof. Asrat's Memoril Page
Many have not visited the page yet because it was created
just a week ago. The liking rate however is encouraging. 467 viewers have liked
the page. “I expect a better rate in the coming weeks” says Zenebe Tamirat, the
creator of the page. “Please go ahead and continue liking the memorial page and
witness the greatness of Prof. Asrat Woldyes, the true son of Ethiopia.Tuesday, May 6, 2014
TPLF, the Deliquent Child of the United States of America: Kerry, Distressed by Troublesome-Ethiopia
By Zenebe G. Tamirat
The point is that the United States needs the Ethiopian Army to
fight in South Sudan under the instruction from the White House. The Ethiopian
Government is willing to do it but not for free. The charge includes the
acknowledgment of Ethiopia as a democratic country under the TPLF led EPRDF’s
leadership while actually it is not. Hard to concur with this, but urgently
needing the service of the corrupt Ethiopian Government, Kerry seems to be
sandwiched between false and facts.
The false is that the Ethiopian Government is not democratic. In
fact tyranny rules Ethiopia. The facts speak for themselves; Ethiopians are on
the road asking their government to step down. The demonstration successfully
conducted on Sunday, in Addis Ababa, pioneered by one of the influential
parties in Ethiopia, Andinet, exposes the Ethiopian Government naked affirming
its claim of “champion of democracy and bringing economic development to the land
was fake. Basic human rights are vehemently violated and basic needs such as
food, water, shelter electricity, telephone are not met.
People in the capital, Addis Ababa, are starved to death because
there is no supply of food at an affordable price. The soaring price of
Teff, the staple crop of Ethiopia reaching a hot-blooded cost of over $2,000.00/qt,
meat to $165/kg, butter $80/kg, house rent rising to thousands of birr per unit
of two rooms have left the citizens for starvation and homelessness. Tens of
thousands sleep under the bridges of Addis Ababa because they cannot afford the
ever soaring house rent in the city.
On the contrary, a handful of delinquent citizens enjoy life
corrupting government officials. When journalists bring the problems citizens
face to the attention of the authorities, they respond by jailing the informers,
when asked to improve conditions by public demonstrations, the authorities
order their policemen to obliterate those who demand justice. All in all, Ethiopia
has become a "police state" difficult for the United State to deal
with its delinquent child, the TPLF.
There is no doubt that John Kerry knows Ethiopia's leaders are
corrupt and ruling by force. He also knows there is no democracy in Ethiopia.
What he knows most, though, is that, contrary to the fact on the ground the
United States needs Ethiopia's service to fight in neighboring South Sudan as
she did in Somalia. And contrary to John Kerry's visit to tyranny in Ethiopia
the U.S. Constitution does not allow American leaders to support or deal with
tyranny in any ways.
This means American Administrations cannot form
partnership with tyranny knowingly or unknowingly, whether the issue for the
partnership is in the interest of the U.S. or not. Therefore, what Kerry knows most is America is wrong in forming partnership of any sort (even it were in the interest of the U.S.) with TPLF tyrants in Ethiopia because it is against the constitution of the United States. Kerry, knows, by forming partnership with the tyrant TPLF, the 3 presidents of the United States, Clinton, George Bush (Jr) and Obama have violated the constitution of the U.S.A.
In a commentary posted
in, dated May 4, 2014, entitled "An unholy alliance in East
Africa." Bronwyn Bruton astonishingly asks "John Kerry knows Ethiopia
is repressive. So why does Washington keep shoring it up?"
( Washington is shoring it up because it knows as well
that it is performing against its own constitutional law. If it doesn’t, it
can’t keep Ethiopia under its influence. It shall loose it to China. TPLF plays double edge to the United States and China. This has been demonstrated in
the visit of the Prime Minister of China to Ethiopia, as soon as Kerry’s legs
got out of Addis Ababa.
One reason that the TPLF led
Ethiopian Government officials for turning their face to China is TPLF's accusation of the United States for allegedly supporting its political
opponents, offering political asylum to most political refugees, recognizing
the rights of oppositions to practice their political belief and oppose
dictators at home while living in the United States. Another reason is China is an alternative source of income. If the U.S. declines any demand, China is there to provide alternatively. China needs Ethiopia for the provision of settlement for its troubled citizens who badly need space for living. The TPLF is a renown land seller in Africa.
Does the U.S., however, support
democracy in Ethiopia satisfactorily? No, not at all. U.S. Officials are scared that, if it does, its
friendship with Ethiopia shall be at stake. The political leaders of the U.S.
think that the "TPLF" is "Ethiopia," and not the People. The People, however, shall
rise to show that they are the real "Ethiopia." Until then, the U.S. will remain
sticking with its delinquent child. For now, Kerry is in trouble unable to tame
Ethiopia under delinquent child, the TPLF.
It is clear that sooner or later the delinquent child will turn into the "prodigal son," presumably running to China. I do no think the U.S. will be holy enough to stretch its hands welcoming its "prodigal son" once it ran away. Rather it will turn its face to the East as said in the big book, "look at to the East." That day is coming soon and the opposition should work in union standing in the east.
The writer Zenebe Tamirat is available at,
like, follow @Neguodguadzeneb
It is clear that sooner or later the delinquent child will turn into the "prodigal son," presumably running to China. I do no think the U.S. will be holy enough to stretch its hands welcoming its "prodigal son" once it ran away. Rather it will turn its face to the East as said in the big book, "look at to the East." That day is coming soon and the opposition should work in union standing in the east.
The writer Zenebe Tamirat is available at,
like, follow @Neguodguadzeneb
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