Saturday, December 6, 2014

No Hope for Democracy in Ethiopia: Brutal TPLF Special Force Indiscriminately Beats Peaceful Demonstrators

By Temezeze Seifu

The notorious Special Force renowned for its inhuman beatings and killings, once again was engaged in excessive force activities beating and imprisoning hundreds of peaceful demonstrators who were on the their way to assemble at “Abiot Adebabay”, (Revolutionary Square) to demand the application of democratic process and rule of law in the coming May election. The demonstrators paraded peacefully shouting slogans and chanting songs that echo the need for a democratic process in the election when the brutal force clubbed and beat everyone in the parade indiscriminately.  Yilikal Getenet, leader of the opposition, Semayawi Party was among the three hundred arrested and the many who suffered the Special Force’s brutality during the march.
According to sources the Special Force is conferred with excessive authority the extent of which reaches deadly beatings that may end the lives of citizens at any place and at any time. The difference between the defunct Derge regime’s Key Shiber (Red Terror) and the brutal killing authority conferred on the Special Force known as “Federal,” is the former “shoots to kill” and the latter “beats to kill.”
The United States of America, (U.S.A.) supports the Ethiopian Government with more than 800 million dollars every year, a part of which is used to finance Federal budget, including the budget to sustain the lethal Federal Special Force that is allowed to kill without the due process of law. Britain is the next big financer, investing over $400 million a year in support of the Ethiopian Government budget. In addition Britain trains the Special Federal Force in Ethiopia to beat brutally and kill fellow Ethiopians. Some cautious Americans and British citizens wonder why their Governments use their tax money for the benefit of repressive Governments in Ethiopia.
The TPLF has been in power in Ethiopia for the last almost twenty five years rigging election, intimidating, harassing, imprisoning and killing opposition leaders who could have changed the practice of good governance and democracy in Ethiopia into a better one. It looks like there is no hope for democracy in Ethiopia because tyranny is supported by the leading world powers such as the United States and Britain as well as Petro-dollar forces such as Saudi Arabia. China is another power that supports tyranny in Ethiopia as it shares the ideology and as it has found a safe haven in Ethiopia for dumping its far reaching number of population.  

 Click on link to see video 

Oh, God! When are you going to eradicate tyranny from Ethiopia and let your people free?



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