Saturday, May 17, 2014

Graduating Student Troubled by TPLF Modified Ethiopian Flag.

Graduating Student  Troubled by TPLF Modified Ethiopian Flag.
At its 2014 Commencement, California Lutheran University depicts on its website,, an Ethiopian girl with her national flag wrapped around her neck and glittering over her black gown, contradicting the Woyanie made flag she was compelled to carry at the 2013 Commencement Parade.  The young lady was troubled with the blundered Woyanie flag, but was wise and tricky that she decided to show the real Ethiopian flag in contrast to the one that the Woyanie thugs made flag in her hands. Paradoxically, the picture taken on 2013 is depicted again in 2014 on the university's website.
The incident was sudden that she had no idea of graduating students carry their national flags at commencement parades, by culture of the university. She was confused at first. But then she said “I had no choice but to wear my original flag as a scarf. As a kid, she remembered to have  presented Professor Asrat Woldeyes with bouquets of flowers in many occasions of Town hall meetings in Addis Ababa. The young lady says "she is very much fond of the Ethiopian flag."  She is now going forward with her study to attain a doctorate degree in Pharmaceutical Information Technology.

The  young lady hopes to parade in a commencement once again;  this time with a PhD and an original Ethiopian flag.  Make your children, so proud to live as Ethiopians and, so proud to wear the Ethiopian flag again and  again on  commencements and all other parades. VICTORY IS EMINENT!
Click on the link to see the picture. Here:

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