Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gadafi’s son Seif al-Islam seized in southern Libya (AP)

Gadafi’s son, Seif al-Islam is now under custody caught riding along with aides in convoy in Southern Libya desert AP reported today. He was the only member of the Gadafi family remained uncaught since the downfall of the regime that ruled Libya for forty two years.
AP quotes a spokesman for Libyan rebels who captured Seif al-Islam as said “Seif al-Islam, who has been charged by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity, was detained about 30 miles (50 kilometers) west of the town of Obari with two aides as he was trying to flee to neighboring Niger. But the country's acting justice minister later said the convoy's destination was not confirmed.”
Seif al-Islam was Gadafi’s eldest son of seven and was in an endeavor to win the favor of the West saying that he would introduce reformation in the repressive regime of his father. In the final days however he backed the oppressive regime fighting the rebels that ousted Gadafi from power and ended his life by a controversial bullet triggered by unidentified individual after he was caught alive. To read more on this story click on the link below
According to Yahoo News Seif was trying to escape either to Niger or Algeria as the rebellions got the information before his escape. If you want the detailed news report here too click on

Friday, October 7, 2011

Prof. Mamo Muche Inducted to ASSAF; Calls for Submission of Research Papers

The celebrated scholar Mamo Muche was inducted to Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAF), the website, http:// www. Ethiopia.Org reported. The noted scholar is a distinguished Professor at the Institute for Economic Research (IERI) at the Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa and has produced a number of research papers on various fields of discipline. For more on the news please go to
In related news, Dr. Muche calls on scholars to submit research papers in the 2nd Africa Liberation International Symposium. Deadline for abstract submission is October 31. Those who are interested may contact Professor Muche via telephone numbers +27123823078, Fax +2712383071 or just shoot him an e-mail at

Thursday, October 6, 2011

የደርግ ከፍተኛ ባለሥልጣኖች ስለመፈታት

Selam Ato Zenebe,

I have pasted my letter to VOA on your " comment" space. You are most welcome to use it should you wish to. But your inclusion of the EPRP and AESM  prisoners will be v. welcome.

With my best,

በአሜሪካን ሬዲዮ ለአማርኛው ክፍል አዘጋጆችና አቅራቢዎች፦

የሰላምና የጤና ምኞቴ ለኹላችሁም ትድረስልኝ ።

ስለዚህ ጉዳይ የጎረፉትን ብዙ የድጋፍና የተቃውሞ አስተያይቶችን በእናንተው አማካይነት ከሰሙት ውስጥ አንዱ ነኝ። እኔ ግን አስተያዬቴንና ስሜቴን ለራሴ ይዤው ቆየሁ።ይህን የሚሰማ፦ እናንተ ለሕዝብ ጆሮ ካበቃችሁት፦ "ለምን?" ሊለኝ ይችላል። ቢልም መብቱ ነው። መልሱን እናንተው ትሰጡልኛላችሁ ብዬ አምናለሁ፤፡ እናንተ ግን ልትመልሱልኝ የማትችሉት እነርሱ እስር ላይ ኾነው መልስ ሊሰጡኝ በማይችሉብት ኹናቴ  ብዬ መቆጠቤን መምረጤን ነው።

በቀደምት፦ የየዕምነቱ መሪዎች ለዚህ መነሳታቸው የየዕምነታቸው ኃላፊነታቸው ጎትጐቷቸው ነው? ወይስ በገዢዎችቹ "ቹ!" ባይነት? የዕምነት ግዳጅነት ከኾነ ለምን በየወኅኒው፡ የኦነግ፦ የኦብነግ ወዘተ ደጋፊዎች ናችሁ ተብለው ለአሠርተ ዓመታት ያለፍርድ መታጎራቸውን ያለ ጥፋት የታሠሩት የቅንጅት መሪዎች ሲፈቱ በነገሩን መሠረት ሄደው አጣርተው ወይ እንዲፈረድባቸው አልያም እንዲፈቱ አላደረጉም? አንዳንድ ጊዜስ ሃይማኖታቸው ከሚያዝዘው ውጪ የወንጀሉ ተባባሪያን አልኾኑም? እንዲያዉም ፍርድ ቤት ሲለቅቃቸው እነዚሁ የ "ሃይማኖት አባት ነን " ባዮች( አኹንም የሃይማኖቱን ይግባኝ የሌለውን ትእዛዝ አፍርሰው) ወደ ወኅኒ አልመለሱም?
ከነዚሁ ውስጥ በየወኅኒው ሰበከታቸውን በነጻ እያኪያሄዱ ስንቱን ወደነርሱ ሲለውጡ ያለፍርድ ስለታጎሩት ምነው ማንሳት አልፈለጉ?
ታዲያ ሕዝቡ ሽምግልናቸውን የእምነት ሳይኾን የማስመሰልና የምድራዊ ታዛዥነት ነው ቢል ይፈረድበታል?
እምዬ !! አይዞሽ!! በምድራውያኑም መንፈሳዊም ነን በሚሉትም ትበደዪ? በቅርቡ በይገላግልሻል!

ወንጀለኞቹ "ሕዝብንና መንግሥትን ይቅርታ ጠይቀው" ተብሏል - ይባላል" አንደኛ ሕዝብ ሲባል ምን ማለት ነው? ለእኔ ይህ ክፍል ለሦስት መከፈሉ ይታየኛል፦
 - ለፍርድ ትቀርባላችሁ ተብለው " ፍርድማ ከኾነ ምንገድዶን፦" በማለት በሥራቸውና በሕግ ተማምነው  ወደ ፬ኛ ክፍለ-ጦር
   ተሽቀዳድመው እየገቡ፦   በአርበርኝነት አካላቸው በጥይትወንፊት ኾኖ በታምር የኖሩት ሳይቀሩ በዓለም ሸንጎዎች ላይ  
   ለአገራቸው በክብር  የተሟገቱናየረቱልን ሳይለዩ፦ ለአብነት ያህል፦ እንዲያው በአጠቃላይ የታሪክ ባለሞያዎችና የታሪክ
   ምስክሮች የነበሩት የተርሸኑ ቤተሰቦች

 - በየሰበባ ሰበቡ ( ሽብሮች) አሰቃቂ ግፎች ተፈጽመውባቸው በገዛ አገራቸው አልቅሰው እንዳይቀብሩ የተከለከሉት ቤተሰቦች
   ባህልናሥርዐትን አጥፍተው ተከታታይ ትውልዶችን እንዲዋዥቁ የተደረጉባቸው አዛውንትን

- አገርን በጎሳ በሃይማኖት ወዘተ ከፍለው ይባስ ብለውም ባሕር አልባ ያደረጉትን ሕዝብ እንዴት ብለውና አድርገው ነው 
  ይቅርታ የጠየቁት? የትና መቼ ነው ይቅርታ የጠየቁት?

ይባስ ብለው ደግሞ "መንግሥትን ይቅርታ ጠይቀው ተብሏል። ይሄ ፈጽሞ ሊዋጥልኝ ያልቻለ ጉድ ነው። በሽፍትነት ጊዜያቸው ዓላማቸውን ዐውቆ ሲዋጋቸው የነበሩትን ነው ይቅርታ የሚጠይቁት?

ለደርግ እኮ አንድ አዎንታዊ ነገር ቢኖረው "ለኢትዮጵያ አንድነት ተዋግቷል" ነበር። ሹሞቹ መንግሥት ተብዬውን ይቅርታ ከጠየቁ የክብር ርዝራዤያቸውን ራሳቸው አመከኑት ማለት ነው። በገዛ ጥፋታቸው አገርን እንዲህ ዓይነት አዘቅት ውስጥ መጣላቸው አንሶ!

አምላክ ይቅር ይበለን፦

ኮማንደር አሰፋ ሰይፉ

Friday, September 23, 2011

Dimma Negowe: A Political Position Change?

In a long but interesting interview with Ageina of the Ethiopian Satellite TV, ( first Chair of OLF, Dimma Negewo tells his and his party’s experience with TPLF/EPRDF. I found Dimma to be different from what he was twenty years ago.  Then he was absolutely anti-Amhara and he demonstrated that in the programs he allowed to run in Radio Ethiopia Afanoromigna (excuse me, I think that is what they call the language of the Oromo) as Minister of Information in the TGE. The program was full of distasteful insults incriminating the Amhara Emperors for unifying Ethiopia and some Oromo leaders like Ras Gobena considered to have cooperated in the process. I remember that was a boundless ear-deafening propaganda.
Today I found Dimma, a unionist perfectly fitting the call for one and united Ethiopia. Imagine to hear from Dimma; a one time leader of secessionist OLF, telling us in a clearly toned Amharic (better than my own) and with distrust his concern for the prevailing  backwardness of Ethiopia because of the bedlam caused by disagreement of its politicians.  I was surprised to hear him speak in eloquent Amharic because these guys though they speak Amharic fluently as in Gondere’ they still reserve speaking in Amharic. Otherwise who would speak Amharic better than Aba Biya? Some even consider speaking Amaregna as a shame or as a Gobnist).
But this time Dimma was different. He even calls for the OLF to consider revising its program of secession. He says that time is changing.  Now secession is outdated in the case of Ethiopia because the new generation has come with accommodative conditions recognizing rights of ethnic-nations. I am stunned! Is it a position change or diplomacy? Watch the video for yourself and share with us what you think it is. Here is the link. (Attn. Pls. note that the video takes quiet a long time.)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Beqa Atelemwoy By Ejigayehu/ also known as Gigi

In a video poem famed singer Ejigayehu (Gigi) criticizes Woyanie for its bad governance and  continuous human right violation

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Taxi Drivers on Strike in Addis may instigate the General Public

 Taxi drivers' strike in Addis Ababa has continued its second day of strike boycotting services to the public in complaints of the ever souring oil price. The government never mentions the news in its broadcasts according to the local Newspaper "Addis Neger." It is to be recalled that Taxi drivers played a pioneering role in the collapse of the Haile Selassie I Government in 1974. According to the news not all taxi drivers have participated in the strike but the attempt to strike in a country of immense dictatorship is encouraging and may instigate the public for a general strike. What are the opposition parties doing in encouraging the strikers is not yet known. Dewol believes that the Diaspora should support the Taxi drivers on strike financially. It looks like it is possible to approach the strikers as they are identified through their associations. To read the story direct from the source click on the link below.

Monday, April 11, 2011

TPLF-Called Town Hall Meeting Busted! (Dewol, LA)

The TPLF Called Town Hall Meeting at the Convention Center, downtown LA held on yesterday, April 10, 2011 was disrupted and busted by angry protesters for quite a while until the LAPD interfered to stop protesters demonstrate inside the meeting hall but continue at the outside.  About two hundred LA residents responded to the call and attended the meeting.
The protesters about seventy in number and composed of various opposition party supporters that operate in LA, were furious on the absolute dictatorship and the ceaseless killings of opposition members at home. Complying with the order of the Police, the protesters continued demonstrating outside of the hall until it reached its climax at the end of the meeting barraging the TPLF with sharp slogans as the participants were coming out.
Strategically, some of the protesters were seated at different corners of the meeting hall while most entered in group wrathfully shouting slogans that demand the end of the 20 years of TPLF dictatorial rule in Ethiopia. The meeting then was busted and remained under control of the protesters for quite enough time to pass the necessary message of the protest. Some of the slogans the protesters had hold read:
 “Down with TPLF Dictatorship in Ethiopia!”
 “Stop Killing School Children,”
“Enough is TPLF absolute rule”
And, “Down with Totalitarian ruler, Melese Zenawi.”
Melese Zenawi, a totalitarian ruler has been in power in Ethiopia, as a Prime Minister since the last 20 years equalizing the term of the recently ousted Tunisian totalitarian President, Abdul-Aziz.
TPLF leaders who recently declared that they are not bothered about the current wave of revolution in the Middle East and North Africa, because they do not have tear gas but bullets at stock to disburse demonstrators, say that the meeting was called to invite the Diaspora to invest in the program they call “National Economic Reformation.” TPLF, as a political party, controls important economic sectors of the nation investing in finance and banking, trade, agriculture and industry.
 The LAPD did its job diligently and without having trouble from the demonstrators who were so much angry with their rulers at home and yet acquiescent to rule of law while demonstrating their causes. The protester stayed at the doors of the hall number 408 demonstrating until the meeting ended at about 6.30 PM. Some of the participants were forced to head down while coming out of the hall presumably, ashamed of their cooperation with the dictatorial regime that is killing their fellow Ethiopians at home. In a brief closure ceremony of the demonstration, political activists and organizers of the protest vowed to clean LA from TPLF infection through unified political manifestations.
For Dewol Live at Convention Center
T. Seifu
Available at

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sad Comments of Lidetu and Siye Abraha.

On a commentary in the Ethiopian Reporter that reviewed the pro-democrats protests in the Arab countries of North Africa and the Middle East countries Lidetu flatly denies that the revolution has impact on African countries. Siye Abraha, though argues that the movement has an impact on all countries under dictatorship he failed to mention the impact of the revolution on Ethiopia. The duo could have used the opportunity to send a message to the people of Ethiopia to stage an uprising against the occupying force of Tigray Liberation Front.  Lidetu’s comment especially was discouraging to those who hope to stage upheaval against the tyranny at home. Here is the link for the full story.  

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Storm of Uprising from Persian Gulf to the Red Sea in Djibouti:

                           Uprising is being cracked down in Libya and Yemen whilst the Sheikh kingdom of Bahrain orders the Military to get off the streets and let the Police handle the demonstrators. The following is news report by AP:
CAIRO (AP) -- Security forces in Libya and Yemen fired on pro-democracy demonstrators Saturday as the two hard-line regimes struck back against the wave of protests that has already toppled autocrats in Egypt and Tunisia. At least 15 died when police shot into crowds of mourners in Libya's second-largest city, a hospital official said. More….
Also many killed in Libya Aljazeera reports follow the link below for details
 In Bahrain, thousands of demonstrators return to Pearl roundabout after security forces retreat. Police and soldiers have left now and government announces a negotiation with the opposition is underway…..More


by Msmaku Asrat, PhD

“Today is yekatit 12th in the Ethiopian calendar. It was on this day that two patriotic Ethiopians, Abrha
Debotch and Mogus Asgedom threw hand grenades at the assembled dignitaries of Fascist Italy at
Genete Luel palace (presently the Administrative office of the Addis Ababa University). The palace was
the Imperial residence of Emperor Haile Selassie who has gone to exile in Britain. It was now occupied
by Marshall Graziani the Viceroy of Fascist Italy in Ethiopia. The e occasion was to distribute alms to the poor of Addis Ababa who were already assembled in the grounds of the palace. The grenades wounded Graziani and killed some of the Fascist senior staff. Hell broke loose and the Fascist High Command declared a Reign of Terror on the inhabitants of Addis Ababa which lasted for three days. This is how Professor Richard Pankhurst, OBE, summarizes the event of the mayhem and massacre carried out by Fascist thugs of the inhabitants of Addis Ababa………”

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mubarak embarrassed Protesters as he declares his stay in office

The emotional protesters were almost certain that Mubarak would announce his resignation in his today (night in Egypt) TV address to the nation. The tens of thousands of people gathered at the Liberation Square in Cairo were chanting slogans wanting Mubarak out of office. To their dismay Mubarak only announced that he had given more responsibility to his vice president. “I speak to you from my heart” he said “as a father to his children; all those who spill blood will be punished.” Earlier the army had announced that it will keep the nation and the aspiration of the people. The protesters had expected that Mr. Mubarak would have resigned and announced his resignation in his address of the nation tonight.  Instead, Mubarak reaffirmed his will to stay in power until the coming election, September 2011.  Protestants are expected to continue their demonstration tomorrow with a growing crowd.

Mubarak embarrassed Protesters as he reafirms his stay in office

The emotional protesters were almost certain that Mubarak would announce his resignation in his today (night in Egypt) TV address to the nation. The tens of thousands of people gathered at the Liberation Square in Cairo were chanting slogans wanting Mubarak out of office. To their dismay Mubarak only announced that he had given more responsibility to his vice president. “I speak to you from my heart” he said “as a father to his children; all those who spill blood will be punished.” Earlier the army had announced that it will keep the nation and the aspiration of the people. The protesters had expected that Mr. Mubarak would have resigned and announced his resignation in his address of the nation tonight.  Instead, Mubarak reaffirmed his will to stay in power until the coming election, September 2011.  Protestants are expected to continue their demonstration tomorrow with a growing crowd.