Saturday, February 19, 2011


by Msmaku Asrat, PhD

“Today is yekatit 12th in the Ethiopian calendar. It was on this day that two patriotic Ethiopians, Abrha
Debotch and Mogus Asgedom threw hand grenades at the assembled dignitaries of Fascist Italy at
Genete Luel palace (presently the Administrative office of the Addis Ababa University). The palace was
the Imperial residence of Emperor Haile Selassie who has gone to exile in Britain. It was now occupied
by Marshall Graziani the Viceroy of Fascist Italy in Ethiopia. The e occasion was to distribute alms to the poor of Addis Ababa who were already assembled in the grounds of the palace. The grenades wounded Graziani and killed some of the Fascist senior staff. Hell broke loose and the Fascist High Command declared a Reign of Terror on the inhabitants of Addis Ababa which lasted for three days. This is how Professor Richard Pankhurst, OBE, summarizes the event of the mayhem and massacre carried out by Fascist thugs of the inhabitants of Addis Ababa………”

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