Monday, April 11, 2011

TPLF-Called Town Hall Meeting Busted! (Dewol, LA)

The TPLF Called Town Hall Meeting at the Convention Center, downtown LA held on yesterday, April 10, 2011 was disrupted and busted by angry protesters for quite a while until the LAPD interfered to stop protesters demonstrate inside the meeting hall but continue at the outside.  About two hundred LA residents responded to the call and attended the meeting.
The protesters about seventy in number and composed of various opposition party supporters that operate in LA, were furious on the absolute dictatorship and the ceaseless killings of opposition members at home. Complying with the order of the Police, the protesters continued demonstrating outside of the hall until it reached its climax at the end of the meeting barraging the TPLF with sharp slogans as the participants were coming out.
Strategically, some of the protesters were seated at different corners of the meeting hall while most entered in group wrathfully shouting slogans that demand the end of the 20 years of TPLF dictatorial rule in Ethiopia. The meeting then was busted and remained under control of the protesters for quite enough time to pass the necessary message of the protest. Some of the slogans the protesters had hold read:
 “Down with TPLF Dictatorship in Ethiopia!”
 “Stop Killing School Children,”
“Enough is TPLF absolute rule”
And, “Down with Totalitarian ruler, Melese Zenawi.”
Melese Zenawi, a totalitarian ruler has been in power in Ethiopia, as a Prime Minister since the last 20 years equalizing the term of the recently ousted Tunisian totalitarian President, Abdul-Aziz.
TPLF leaders who recently declared that they are not bothered about the current wave of revolution in the Middle East and North Africa, because they do not have tear gas but bullets at stock to disburse demonstrators, say that the meeting was called to invite the Diaspora to invest in the program they call “National Economic Reformation.” TPLF, as a political party, controls important economic sectors of the nation investing in finance and banking, trade, agriculture and industry.
 The LAPD did its job diligently and without having trouble from the demonstrators who were so much angry with their rulers at home and yet acquiescent to rule of law while demonstrating their causes. The protester stayed at the doors of the hall number 408 demonstrating until the meeting ended at about 6.30 PM. Some of the participants were forced to head down while coming out of the hall presumably, ashamed of their cooperation with the dictatorial regime that is killing their fellow Ethiopians at home. In a brief closure ceremony of the demonstration, political activists and organizers of the protest vowed to clean LA from TPLF infection through unified political manifestations.
For Dewol Live at Convention Center
T. Seifu
Available at

1 comment:

  1. Ethiopian patriotic fighters in LA Bertu, teach more lessons to Hodams and Bandas!
