Saturday, April 5, 2014

Page Dedicated to Prof Asrat


"This page is dedicated to the most cherished political leader Prof. Asrat Woldyes, in memory of his commitment to his fellow country- men and women, his courage and determination as president of the All Amhara People’s Organization, the astounding honesty in leadership he demonstrated to the people of Ethiopia, his kindness and sympathy to all Ethiopians regardless of ethnic, religion and other belongingness as a Medical doctor, and to the love he demonstrated to his country. The dedicator of this page Zenebe Tamirat witnesses the above characteristics of the professor from his political experience under his leadership and the knowledge he gained working very close with him as vice chairman of the Addis Ababa Region of the All Amhara People’s Organization,"  runs the dedication plaque in the memorial page. It was dedicated by his disciple, Zenebe Tamirat, who witnessed his genuinity experiencing political activities closely working with the professor. Over 647 viewers " liked" the page in a exposal of just a week. Log in to face book by clicking the link and like the page to show your solidarity to the cause he sacrificed his life for. Right today his sacrifice is burning in Dessie with the people rising against suppression and rule by the muzzle of the gun. Children of Ethiopia of all places, Get ready for a worldwide demonstration to be held on May 14, the day the professor was sacrificed. Get up and form committees in your communities to challenge dictators and show them the legacy and the spirit of Professor Asrat is still a nightmare to them. Dewol is ready to serve as a center of the great demonstration to be held world wide on the memorial day of the professor, May 14, 2014.

 Professor Asrat was born June 12, 1928 in Harrar, Ethiopia. In 1936, when young Asrat was only 8, Fascist Italy invaded Ethiopia and his father had to respond to the call of the mother land who needed the devotion of its children to defend its freedom. Asrat was then sent to his grandfather in Addis to attend primary education. Young Asrat continued his education under the care of his grand pa. He was fast and bright with a great hope for Ethiopia but with no hope to reunite with his father who never returned back, sacrificed to the obligation required for the freedom of the motherland. Upon the vanquishing of the invading enemy, Asrat was sent for further education first to Cairo to attend secondary school and then to Edinburgh where he completed his medical education with a doctorate degree of great distinction. Coming back home, Asrat worked as a medical doctor saving the lives of millions of people. He helped found the Medical School of the Addis Ababa University and was the dean until he was forced to dedicate his life in 1991, to defend mother Ethiopia from TPLF bandits who forcibly seized power and continued the works of Fascist Italy that his father fought to the death. Giving up his medical career, he formed the All Amhara People's Organization, vehemently opposed the secession of Eritrea and the Bantustanization Agenda of the Tigray Liberation Front (TPLF). He based his political philosophy on advocating the continuation of united Ethiopia as a mosaic of diverse culture but one political unit. The ethnic based TPLF/ELF coalition did not like Asrat’s philosophy of one Ethiopia; rather they ganged together to attack him personally when they were rejected politically. They jailed him and asked him to demand pardon for his freedom. Asrat rejected the offer and preferred to die standing for the truth instead of serving the baseless purpose of TPLF/ EPLF, who finally fought each other after exposing him to a deadly imprisonment at the age of 70. Here is a witness of a British Journalist, the Guardian “Asrat was a man of great dignity and courtesy, stubborn to the point of cussedness, arguably politically naive. Throughout his five years' harsh imprisonment, Amnesty International, with other humanitarian organizations and numerous individuals, including now elderly Scottish doctors, campaigned for his release. Until very late, however, western governments, whose intervention might have carried weight with the Meles government, refused to go beyond occasional expressions of concern, apparently fearing to irritate a regime which, despite obvious shortcomings, was pro-western and a vast improvement on its predecessor.” “It is hard to avoid the conclusion, though, that if those governments had worked harder and earlier, they might have averted the premature day the earth of the most distinguished, and one of the most courageous, Ethiopians of our time.” And, here ends the words of the witness but not the fight for democracy in Ethiopia! Asrat was assassinated by the sabotage of the leaders of TPLF, but the struggle continues until the thousands of Asrats that have been incubated by the sacrifice of their leader. Asrat became the second generation in the patriotic family of Woldeyes who died fighting against Fascist inversion, so shall his followers be the third.. But some more and last words from the witness I quoted above and that I refuse to accept “Asrat Woldeyes, doctor and politician, born June 12, 1928; died May 14, 1999.” He did not die! Zenebe Tamirat (2014) 

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