Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ethiopian Diplomat in Washington DC Shoots to kill

By Dewol Reporter

An Ethiopian official diplomat, Solomon Wodi Woini aimed at demonstrators and shot repeatedly to kill indiscriminately. The incident took place outside of the Embassy premises where the demonstrators were chanting slogans peacefully.

The demonstrators persistently continued to shout peaceful slogans demanding freedom without being scared of the shooting. They looked determined to die with the Ethiopian flag in their hands. They were peaceful and non-violent, simply trying to deliver their complaint letter to the Ethiopian Ambassador Girma Biru, who himself latter after the shooting came out to pull Solomon inside the compound of the Embassy. Sources say; the Ambassador is video recorded while trying to hide the shooting guy, Solomon Wodi Woini. No one was hurt by the shooting, it was learned.

The CNN got the news yesterday in the “Situation Room” program but declined to tell the story in detail for an unknown reason. Only recently, President Obama appreciated Ethiopia’s endeavor for economic progress but latter added a kind of “aide-mémoire” to its failure in democratic rules. His comments were wrapped with diplomatic words with care not to disgrace the Ethiopian delegation led by Prime Minister Haile Mariam Desalege and in the meantime crafted to show his sympathy with the opposition.

The president seems to show that he had worries about Ethiopia’s continuous violation of human rights that usually rich its maximum height during election months. The Ethiopian diplomat at the Embassy however did not care to hide facts. He out rightly demonstrated that The TPLF kills fellow citizens wherever it opts necessary; even in the land of the brave. No American law is braver than the Woyanie, Solomon seems to think.
ESAT news that aired the news supported with captioned video film said that Solomon Wodi Woini, the perpetrator of the shooting was later arrested, and  a road that leads to the Embassy temporarily closed. Many Ethiopians in the Diaspora were infuriated with the news and vow to fight the perpetrator of the crime in a court of law. Attempt to kill is a serious offense in the US criminal law; lawyers say.