Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tequer Sew The Popular Tedi Afro's Musical drama

Minilik II victor of Adowa, conquered the invading colonial forces of Italy at Adowa in 1896. This was the first time an European super and arrogant power being beaten by solemn and God fearing Africans, the Ethiopians. The popular emperor had fighters of all diversity in the nation. Among them were Oromos led by Aba Jifar King of Jimma Oromos, GebreEgziabheir of the Wolega Oromo, A flock of army from the South Ethiopia led by Aba Balcha, A large and vanguard fighters from North Shoa led by Fitawrari Gebeyehu who sparked the first bullet at the battle of Adowa and not to mention Ras Mekonnen's East Ethiopian Army consisting of Oromos, Somalis and Amharas as well as many, many others led by other chives marching afore and behind, left and right encircling Minilik's and Taitu's own Army.

We went and we fought and we won! let us sing! Click on the link below and start jumping up and down with victory!