Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Yesterday's Terrorist V the Terrorist of Today:" Gaddafi and his deals with the West.

The title for this article had not been imagined by the writer of the article. It was directly taken from the narrator of an amazing  documentary film made by a great French man named, Frenchman Antoine Vitrine. The person who uploaded the film in You-Tube calls the documentary as "insightful" but for no apparent reason he says he does not agree with all "everything in the video."
The video narrates Gaddafi rise to power and reveals how he kicked out the US from Libya who was enjoying a base that controls the Middle East, the Mediterranean, the Swiss Canal in the Red Sea and all the vicinities around it as a well as the Bab-El- Mandeb through which the Red sea is connected to the Gulf of Aden. Through this water pass ships travel loaded with Middle East Oil.
The U.S. thus had to loose not only the control of Libyan oil but an important strategic position that connects Africa to Europe through the the Mediterranean and Europe to the Middle East and the Far East.
I do not want to write here all that is contained in the video and blurt you surprise but I have to share to you my surprise with the first official State-Visit of Gaddafi and the subsequent visit he made to to the West. You may guess which country in Europe it should be or learn about it by clicking on the link here.
I have a lot to say about what is in the video but let me tell you that it is a long, long story and may take over an hour. Please do not start it if you do not have the necessary length of time to watch the video or you may miss your day on it since you can't walk a yard once you start watching.  Here we go:

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Great Achievements of a Young Ethiopian Author Awarded

Minilik II Victor of Adowa

Dina Mengistu, son of our prominent member “Tesfaye Mengistu” was honored, as MacArthur’s fellow for 2012. Dinaw was one of the 23 that won the award for 2012. The MacArthur Fellowship honors outstanding works in many fields of specialization. Dinaw is selected from the field of Arts for his literary works. Dinaw, a novelist and journalist is 34.
Dinaw was born in Addis Ababa in 1970. His parents immigrated to the U.S. in 1972 when Dinaw was only 2 years old. The family then settled in a Chicago Suburb where Dinaw was raised receiving special care and guidance from his parents. He obtained his first degree from George Town University and his second from Colombia University. His first novel, “The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears” was published in March 2007 by Penguin Riverhead, U.S.A. With its astounding story about a young Ethiopian immigrant stepping on troubles in a life journey at home and abroad the book attracted a number of readers and had to be translated into more than twelve languages. It was also added to the New York Times Notable books. His second novel, “How to Read the Air “was rewarded by the Dayton Peace Price for Literacy. ( According to information we obtained in Wikipedia Dinaw was awarded by a number of institutes for his outstanding literary works including the New Yorker “20 Under 40”, 2010, The Los Angeles Times Book Price, The New York Public Library, The Dylan Thomas Price, Prix du Premier Meilleur Roman Etranger, 2007Grand Prix de Lectrices de Elle, Finalist 2007, Prix Femina Etranger, Finalist, 2007, The Guardian First Book Award, The National Book Award Foundation, and the Lannant Fiction Fellowship.(
Dinaw's father Ato Tesfaye Mengistu apart from raising his son so profoundly has been advocating the respect of human rights, the prevalence of peace and democracy and the rule of law in Ethiopia through political support groups in which he played pioneering roles first in  Support Group for the "Ethiopian Democratic Party" (EDP) and thereafter in the renown Support Group for "Kinijit" in North America and lately in "Support Group for AEUP in North America (SGAEUPNA). 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tequer Sew The Popular Tedi Afro's Musical drama

Minilik II victor of Adowa, conquered the invading colonial forces of Italy at Adowa in 1896. This was the first time an European super and arrogant power being beaten by solemn and God fearing Africans, the Ethiopians. The popular emperor had fighters of all diversity in the nation. Among them were Oromos led by Aba Jifar King of Jimma Oromos, GebreEgziabheir of the Wolega Oromo, A flock of army from the South Ethiopia led by Aba Balcha, A large and vanguard fighters from North Shoa led by Fitawrari Gebeyehu who sparked the first bullet at the battle of Adowa and not to mention Ras Mekonnen's East Ethiopian Army consisting of Oromos, Somalis and Amharas as well as many, many others led by other chives marching afore and behind, left and right encircling Minilik's and Taitu's own Army.

We went and we fought and we won! let us sing! Click on the link below and start jumping up and down with victory!