Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gadafi’s son Seif al-Islam seized in southern Libya (AP)

Gadafi’s son, Seif al-Islam is now under custody caught riding along with aides in convoy in Southern Libya desert AP reported today. He was the only member of the Gadafi family remained uncaught since the downfall of the regime that ruled Libya for forty two years.
AP quotes a spokesman for Libyan rebels who captured Seif al-Islam as said “Seif al-Islam, who has been charged by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity, was detained about 30 miles (50 kilometers) west of the town of Obari with two aides as he was trying to flee to neighboring Niger. But the country's acting justice minister later said the convoy's destination was not confirmed.”
Seif al-Islam was Gadafi’s eldest son of seven and was in an endeavor to win the favor of the West saying that he would introduce reformation in the repressive regime of his father. In the final days however he backed the oppressive regime fighting the rebels that ousted Gadafi from power and ended his life by a controversial bullet triggered by unidentified individual after he was caught alive. To read more on this story click on the link below
According to Yahoo News Seif was trying to escape either to Niger or Algeria as the rebellions got the information before his escape. If you want the detailed news report here too click on